BBQ Bacon-Wrapped Artichoke Dip-Stuffed Shrimp

BBQ Bacon-Wrapped Artichoke Dip-Stuffed Shrimp

Rain, snow or shine, you’ve got one week to figure out what you’re making for the big day.

Here’s how to add BBQ Bacon-Wrapped Artichoke Dip-Stuffed Shrimp to your Super Bowl menu.

here’s what you’ll need

  • 1 lb large shrimp, peeled and deveined

  • 1/2 piece bacon per shrimp

  • artichoke dip

  • barbecue sauce

  • 1/4 cup cheddar cheese, shredded

  • green onions, thinly sliced

  • lemon, optional

  • extra virgin olive oil

  • 1 tsp paprika

  • 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

  • salt

  • pepper

here’s what you’ll need to do

Fire up the grill and get it preheating to a nice medium high.

Place bacon on a parchment-lined sheet tray and cook in the oven for about 7 minutes at 375 degrees, or until partially cooked but not crispy.
Remove bacon from oven and allow to cool.

Clean and dry shrimp, and create a cut down the front of the shrimp to make a pocket for stuffing.

Throw shrimp in a bowl and season with paprika, garlic salt, cayenne pepper, and a pinch of salt and pepper.

In a separate bowl, mix an artichoke dip of your choice with shredded cheddar cheese.

Place a small amount of artichoke dip mix into the shrimp pocket and wrap with a half slice of par-cooked bacon.
Secure with a toothpick, lightly brush with olive oil (to prevent sticking) and place on a grill topper.

Lightly brush shrimp with barbecue sauce and place grill topper on preheated grill.

Cook for 2 to 3 minutes per side, or until shrimp is cooked through and bacon begins to crisp.
While shrimp cooks, generously brush with more barbecue sauce for extra flavor.

Remove from grill and serve warm, garnished with thinly sliced green onions and a squeeze of lemon (if you like).

Remind guests to remove toothpicks prior to digging in, and enjoy!


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