Mortadella Pizza Sandwich Thingy

I recently saw this suuuper cool Mortadella Pizza Sandwich thing and immediately thought: I want that.

So here we are, slinging some dough and stuffing it with decadent meats and cheeses.

That said, you’ll def want your mortadella sliced thinner than mine, but our deli guy seemed to be having a day, so I happily accepted this thick ass bologna and went on my merry way.

But the thinner the slices of meat, the more pretty and bouquet-looking you’ll be able to make your pizza sandwich thingy.

Now let’s just hope I can make it to Mother Wolf in LA to try the original by Evan Funke sometime soon.

Until then, I’ll continue making my Mortadella Pizza Sandwich Thingy like this, and you can too.

here’s what you’ll need

  • pizza dough

  • flour

  • extra virgin olive oil

  • pesto

  • burrata

  • mortadella

  • reduced balsamic glaze

here’s what you’ll need to do

Preheat your pizza oven for about 20 minutes.

Flour your pizza dough and poke, knead and stretch until it’s at your desired size.
Generously drizzle the outside edges of your pizza dough with extra virgin olive oil before folding into a half moon.
Tear a small hole in the top / middle / back of the half moon to vent.

Slide dough into your pizza oven using your pizza peel.
Rotate your dough 90 degrees every 20 to 30 seconds using the pizza peel. If you’re struggling to turn the pizza with the flip of your wrist, don’t hesitate to use tongs to help you out. This oven is HOT and you definitely don’t want to use your hands.

Your dough will be done when it’s puffed up and has a nice leopard color on the crust.
Remove from oven using your pizza peel.

Allow to cool slightly before slathering the inside with pesto, burrata and little mortadella ribbons.
Drizzle the top with a good extra virgin olive oil and a reduced balsamic glaze, and enjoy! 

Not gonna lie, I microwaved mine for a hot sec so it’d be even more melty and delicious, too.
Please don’t @ me.



Whole Roasted Cauliflower


Three Meals in Fremont