Peach & Prosciutto Salad

Peach & Prosciutto Salad

I often get asked why salads are so much better from a restaurant.

And while I tend to disagree (lol), the biggest reason (aside from the fact that someone else is making it for you) lies in the seasoning.

That’s right, friends, the answer is salt.

But that doesn’t mean you have to go crazy with the shaker. You can also achieve salad greatness by using sea salt flakes (like in this recipe), or even a squeeze of lemon if you’re trying to avoid extra sodium.

So do yourself a favor and collect the few fun and flavorful ingredients needed for this Peach & Prosciutto Salad, and call it a craft night as you lovingly place each gorgeous ingredient on the plate.

here’s what you’ll need

  • arugula

  • peaches

  • blackberries

  • blueberries

  • bocconcini (little mozzarella balls)

  • prosciutto

  • reduced balsamic vinegar

  • extra virgin olive oil

  • sea salt flakes

here’s what you’ll need to do

Drizzle reduced balsamic on your favorite plate.

Top with a pile of arugula.

Pit and slice peaches, laying them in the bed of arugula, but all pretty-like (because we’re enjoying the process here).

Tear bocconcini into pieces and place them on the plate.

Lightly drizzle everything with a good extra virgin olive oil, then give it a nice sprinkle of sea salt flakes. 

Cut slices of prosciutto in half and form into pretty little bundles before adding to the mix.

Scatter with blackberries and blueberries.

Throw on some edible flowers if you got ‘em.

Step back to admire your creation.

Smile, and enjoy.


Budae Jjigae

