Pepperoni & Cheese (with Honey) Pizza

Pepperoni & Cheese (with Honey) Pizza

It’s the middle of winter in Montana, so obviously we just dug out the deck so we could cook outside.

I’m sure that may seem kind of insane, considering the foot (plus) of fresh powder we currently have, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t getting ready to shovel again so we can cook round two.

But what else is a girl to do when she has a shiny, new Stoke Outdoor Pizza Oven?

And since this was the first burn of our new machine, we kept things pretty simple so we could focus on finding the sweet spots in this beauty - so I give you a basic red sauce, pepperoni, red onion and bocconcini pizza - with a drizzle of honey to cut through all that unctuous and beautiful meat and cheeeee.

Oh, and guess what?!
Stoke is currently in the midst of their President’s Day Sale and offering 30% OFF Site Wide. 

Pair that with their Lifetime Warranty and 365-Day Trial, and you’ve got yourself the perfect pizza combination - just like pepperoni and cheese with honey. 

here’s what you’ll need

here’s what you’ll need to do

Preheat your Stoke Outdoor Pizza Oven on high heat for 20 minutes.

Flour your pizza dough and poke, knead and stretch until it’s your desired size.
We like to make rustic 10 inch pizzas for this recipe.

Generously coat your pizza peel with semolina flour and add dough to build your pizza ON the peel.

Lightly spread pizza sauce on dough, leaving about an inch around the edges for your crust.
Add thinly sliced red onion, pepperoni and bocconcini.
Hit the whole thing with a light drizzle of olive oil and season with salt and fresh cracked pepper.

Slide pizza into your oven using the pizza peel.

Rotate your pizza 90 degrees every 20 to 30 seconds using the pizza peel.
If you’re struggling to turn the pizza with the flip of your wrist, don’t hesitate to use tongs to help you out. This oven is HOT and you definitely don’t want to use your hands.

Your pizza will be done when it has a nice leopard color on the crust.

Remove from oven using the pizza peel.

Cool slightly, cut and drizzle with honey.



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